Responsible gaming

Safe and Responsible Playing provides an online service to players participating in competitive games of skill. Participants can play a variety of FREE skill-based games and/or compete in multi-player Tournaments.

Just like in real land-based Tournaments, the players pay an entry fee for participation in online Tournament events, and may win cash prizes. Playing in our fee-based Tournaments is online entertainment; and to have an enjoyable experience when visiting us:

  1. You can't purchase Tournament Tickets and/or participate in fee-based games without practicing playing Free games first.
  2. Your should limit your maximum monthly loss to what you feel comfortable with. The site reserves the right to further impose a limit as it deems fit; multiple accounts are not permitted and are subject to closure.
  3. You should only make one purchase of Tournament Tickets within an 8-hour period.

We also strongly advise you follow these guidelines:

  1. Make sure that the decision to pay for play is your own personal choice.
  2. Establish what constitutes an acceptable loss before starting a game.
  3. Never enter a Tournament or play a fee-based game if interferes with your work or other responsibilities.

Never play in a Tournament or a fee-based game if:

  1. You are in recovery for addictive disorders or dependencies
  2. You have had too much to drink or are using mind-altering medications
  3. You are attempting to make up for prior game losses

Please know how to set limits and know when to stop. Like many things, what is enjoyable in moderation can be disastrous in excess. If you feel that you may lose the ability to walk away from the games -- then you shouldn't play at all and contact us immediately to terminate your account:     We're here to help you play responsibly!

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SurfControl's filtering technology and content services help parents, businesses and educational institutions to restrict access to variuous online content. is a registered site under 'Games' on SurfControl, and access to us can easily be blocked with their downloadable software.